- the epic version - of the Mainz-Amman Remote Directing 2020/21
41 Min. JD / DE 2021
Veronika Bolotina
Layan Nairoukh
Hartmut Jahn
Malte Röthig
and then Group
Prod. by SABE GJU / img - MAINZ UAS
With support by the DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service

Exchange the topic of Corona with the word Procrastination.
"It will happen in 2020. We all were just making our projects. We all were highly motivated. But then- this procrastination came and infected half of the world. The students from Mainz and Amann got infected too. No one new the symptoms. It was quite new that this disease showed up only during the first two weeks. So at the beginning the students might be very motivated and creative, but after two weeks it has changed."
This was how we started. But finally the situation became a telemedial online remote situation - and in this video you can follow the project's development and forthcoming under these pandemic times.